Have you ever thought about cardboard boxes?
Everything comes in cardboard boxes, like toys and tools, gadgets and gumboots, bikes and buns, footballs and fireworks.
This is a story about an ordinary cardboard box called Flappy.
All Flappy wanted was to be more than ordinary. He wanted to have a purpose.
Could Flappy do it.....?

Rangi Greig
My son absolutely loves his book it reminded him of all the cool box friends he has made with his cool boxes his best box invention was his robot that he made when he was still at kindergarten he even took a voice box out of one of his toys so robot could talk. 😊 this book got my son thinking and talking about how beautiful trees are and how amazing nature is . The best box book is his favourite book after only reading it once . It definitely got his brain thinking of what other cool things he can make when mum brings home more boxes. Thank you Bryan Campbell for your imagination inspiration 😁 Amari and his racing car

Gavan Hamilton
We got our grand daughter's 11,9 and 7 to read this book. All throughly enjoyed Reading itas well as us grandparents. Very well written,a great story and throughly enjoyed it.

Chelsea Stevens
What a great book for both kids and adults. We love that the story explains how trees become carboard, and the different uses for boxes throughout the cycles, and that a box (and a person) really can be anything you want!

Stacey Gibson
This was a really lovely book that got quite a few conversations started in our house, from who Albert and Elon were to how boxes are made, to recycling. It was a real riverting story, our 3 eldest children aged 11, 9 and 7 really enjoyed reading it and realizing they also had special boxes of their own. Our 2 yonger kids loved the story being read to them an the bright eye catching pictures. All an all we all loved this book!

Loved the book! Loved the illustrations.The book makes you wonder. When Flappy is underneath the Christmas tree thinking back of his youth. 🫠 lots of success Bryan and Dalton!

Sally Tily
What a great read. Educational without even knowing and a lovely story about Flappy